Choose your apartment

Choose with­in our three apart­ments the one best fit­ting to you and your fam­i­ly. Please con­tact us — using the form at the end of the page — to check the availability.

On case of a reser­va­tion the com­mon terms of busi­ness of the Aus­tri­an Hotel Indus­try (ÖHVB) (doc­u­ment in Ger­man lan­guage), dat­ed 23.09.1981, apply auto­mat­i­cal­ly. We rec­om­mend a trav­el can­cel­la­tion insurance.
Please con­sid­er the infor­ma­tion on book­ing and your stay  on your stay in our house!

Check availability now

6 + 15 =

All data, you send us via this form, will be trans­mit­ted encrypt­ed to us. We will only use it to answer your request.

Find details on how we use your data in our data pri­va­cy dec­la­ra­tion.