Disclosure duty according to EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Usage

We use your per­son­al data (i.e. your con­tact infor­ma­tion, date of birth and billing infor­ma­tion) only for their intend­ed pur­pose list­ed below. Data regard­ing our employ­ees are processed in the con­text of pay­roll accounting.

The data pro­vid­ed by you are need­ed for con­tact­ing which occurs under your agree­ment for the pur­pose of con­tract com­ple­tion. If you do not pro­vide the request­ed data we can­not con­clude the con­tract with you, respond to your request nor get in con­tact with you.

The required data are used for the fol­low­ing purposes:

  1. Con­tact data for mak­ing con­tact and the cre­ation of an invoice and the cre­ation of the guest ticket.
  2. To ful­fil the require­ments of local author­i­ties and for accounting.
  3. When dis­clo­sure to third par­ties: Our order proces­sor is the com­pa­ny Fer­a­tel and the com­pa­ny Bergfex. They guar­an­tee that the data are process­es in accor­dance with EU regualtions.
  4. In the event of non-pay­ment the required data are dis­closed to our attorney.

Newsletter, further information, pictures and videos

We only send you Newslet­ters, adver­tise­ments and oth­er infor­ma­tion if you have explic­it­ly agreed to at the recep­tion. Also pic­tures and videos show­ing you are only used if you explic­it­ly agreed to each indi­vid­ual pur­pose of usage.

Deletion of data

When sav­ing your data we obey the statu­to­ry period.

Contact information

You can reach us using the fol­low­ing con­tact infor­ma­tion:

Apparte­men­thaus Rätikon
Fam­i­lie Schwiegelshon
Müh­ledör­fle 132
A‑6708 Brand
Tel +43 5559 571

Your rights

You have the right to request fur­ther infor­ma­tion, redress, dele­tion, restric­tion and to appeal and data porta­bil­i­ty. To this end please con­tact in writ­ten form: Apparte­men­thaus Rätikon, Müh­ledör­fle 132, A‑6708 Brand.

If you believe that the han­dling of your data vio­lates data pro­tec­tion laws or if your per­son­al claim to data pro­tec­tion was vio­lat­ed in any oth­er form, you can com­plain to the reg­u­la­to­ry authorities.

In Aus­tria the respon­si­ble author­i­ty is the „Daten­schutzbe­hörde“ reach­able via the fol­low­ing address:

Öster­re­ichis­che Datenschutzbehörde
Wick­en­burggasse 8
1080 Wien

Tele­fon: +43 1 52 152–0
E‑Mail: dsb@dsb.gv.at

The pref­ered method of com­mu­ni­ca­tion (accorid­ing to their web­site) is via email.

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All data, you send us via this form, will be trans­mit­ted encrypt­ed to us. We will only use it to answer your request.

Find details on how we use your data in our data pri­va­cy dec­la­ra­tion.