
Size of the apart­ment ca. 35 m²  2  persons

ful­ly equipped with dish­es and linen (bed linen, tow­els and kitchen tow­els) and it is a non-smok­ing apartment

  • show­er — toilet
  • liv­in­groom with kitchen unit (dish­wash­er and microwave)
  • bed­room
  • com­fort­able sit­ting area
  • big bal­cony on the south with panoram­ic view of the valley
  • the prices are cal­cu­lat­ed per day for 2 persons
  • Wifi

Price list

Win­ter 2023/2024
final clean­ing
Laun­dry per per­son
Guest tax per per­son over 14 years

Sum­mer 2024
final clean­ing
Laun­dry per per­son
Guest tax per per­son over 14 years

2 persons / day

€ 130,00 bis € 150,00
€ 105,00
€ 15,00
€ 3,20

€ 105,00 bis € 110,00
€ 105,00
€ 15,00
€ 3,30

On case of a reser­va­tion the com­mon terms of busi­ness of the Aus­tri­an Hotel Indus­try (ÖHVB) (doc­u­ment in Ger­man lan­guage), dat­ed 23.09.1981, apply auto­mat­i­cal­ly. We rec­om­mend a trav­el can­cel­la­tion insurance.

Please con­sid­er the infor­ma­tion on book­ing and your stay  on your stay in our house!

Check availability now

7 + 7 =

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Find details on how we use your data in our data pri­va­cy dec­la­ra­tion.